How to Prepare and Market UK Coastal Properties for Rising Demand in Domestic Tourism?

April 22, 2024

Domestic tourism in the United Kingdom has been on the rise. With international travel restrictions and an increased desire to explore local destinations, more tourists are choosing to holiday in the UK’s coastal areas. As travellers discover the charms of these locales, the demand for coastal properties has skyrocketed. This presents an unprecedented opportunity for property owners and managers. However, capitalising on this trend requires careful preparation and marketing strategies, which we’ll explore in this article.

Understanding the Market and the Tourist Population

Before embarking on any marketing or preparation plan, it is vital to understand the market and the tourist population that will flock to these coastal destinations. These variables will dictate the type of offerings that will be attractive and the price ranges that will be acceptable.

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The market for coastal properties is diverse, comprising families, solo travellers, and groups of friends. Each of these demographics has different needs and preferences. For example, families may prefer spacious properties with plenty of on-site amenities, while solo travellers may be more interested in smaller, budget-friendly options.

Additionally, consider the specific attractions of the coastal area where your property is located. What are the unique selling points that you can leverage in your marketing? Is it a popular beach destination, or does it offer opportunities for water sports or nature hikes?

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Understanding these variables can help you position your property to meet the needs of your potential guests, and hence, maximise your profitability.

Preparing the Properties

Once you have determined the market and the tourist demographics, the next step is to prepare your properties to meet the expectations of your prospective guests.

If your property is located near a beach, make sure it is clean and inviting. If possible, provide beach-related amenities such as beach towels, umbrellas, or even beach toys for families with children.

For properties in areas popular for water sports, consider partnering with local companies to offer packages or discounts. This can be a significant draw for tourists interested in such activities.

Comfort should also be a priority. Ensure that the property is well-maintained and that all facilities are in good working order. Consider investing in high-quality bedding and furnishings that will enhance the overall guest experience.

Finally, don’t forget about safety. All properties should comply with local safety regulations. This not only protects your guests but also builds trust and reassures potential customers that your property is a safe choice.

Pricing Strategies

Pricing is a critical aspect of marketing coastal properties. It involves a delicate balance between maximising your income and ensuring your prices are competitive with other properties in the area.

To set your prices, consider the overall market conditions, the specific attributes of your property, and the prices of similar properties in your area. Revisit your prices regularly to ensure they stay competitive as market conditions evolve.

Remember, the price of your property will be a significant factor for tourists when choosing their destination. A competitive price can be the deciding factor between your property and another.

Marketing Strategies

Marketing is essential for attracting tourists to your coastal properties. Your marketing strategy should be multi-faceted, targeting various channels and demographics.

Build a strong online presence. A user-friendly website with high-quality photos of your property and the surrounding area can make a significant impact. Utilise social media platforms to reach a broader audience and engage with potential guests.

Partner with local businesses and tourist attractions. This can provide cross-promotion opportunities and can help you reach a more extensive network of potential guests.

Consider offering discounts for off-peak seasons, long stays, or repeat customers. These incentives can help attract tourists during slower periods and encourage repeat business.

Leveraging Local Resources and Partnerships

Your local community is a valuable resource when marketing and preparing your coastal properties. Building strong relationships with local businesses and organisations can bolster your marketing efforts and enhance your property’s appeal.

Local businesses can offer your guests unique experiences that set your property apart from others. For example, partnerships with local restaurants can provide food delivery options, and collaborations with tour operators can offer exclusive experiences.

Moreover, engaging with the local community can also have a positive impact on your reputation. Showing that you support local businesses and care about the community can make your property more attractive to tourists who value responsible and sustainable tourism.

In conclusion, the rise in domestic tourism in the UK presents a unique opportunity for coastal property owners and managers. By understanding your market, preparing your properties, setting competitive prices, implementing effective marketing strategies, and leveraging local resources, you can capitalise on this trend and maximise your property’s profitability.

Effective Use of Social Media and Web Presence

In today’s digital world, the effectiveness of your online presence can make or break your success in the tourism sector. For coastal properties, it’s especially vital because the stunning visuals of beachfront locations can be a significant selling point.

Start by ensuring your property has a well-designed, user-friendly website. It should include high-quality photos showcasing the property’s best features and the surrounding coastal area. Remember, first impressions matter, and for many potential tourists, your website is the first interaction they will have with your property.

Next, capitalise on social media. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are excellent tools for reaching a wider audience. Post regular updates, share photos, engage with your followers, and use targeted advertising to reach potential guests in your key demographics.

Additionally, consider using influencers in the travel tourism niche. A well-placed post by an influencer can significantly boost your property’s visibility and appeal.

Finally, don’t overlook online review platforms. Encourage guests to leave reviews, and be sure to respond to both positive and negative feedback. This not only improves your standing on the review sites but also shows potential guests that you value their opinions and are committed to delivering excellent service.

Sustainability and Climate Change Considerations

In recent years, the impact of tourism on the environment has become a significant concern. Many tourists now consider the sustainability practices of their chosen accommodation, making it an essential factor in your property’s appeal.

Start by implementing sustainable development practices in your properties. This might include using renewable energy sources, providing recycling facilities, or using locally-sourced goods and services.

In addition, consider your property’s resilience to climate change. Coastal areas are particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels and extreme weather events. Therefore, ensure your property is equipped to handle these challenges. This might involve investing in flood defences or using materials that can withstand harsh weather conditions.

Moreover, promote your sustainability efforts in your marketing. Emphasise your commitment to protecting the coastal environment and supporting the local community. This not only enhances your property’s appeal to eco-conscious tourists but also aligns with responsible tourism trends.

Lastly, consider a case study showing your sustainability efforts and their impact on the local community and environment. This can be a powerful tool in demonstrating your commitment to sustainable tourism.


The surge in domestic tourism in the UK, especially in coastal areas, presents an exciting opportunity for property owners and managers. To capitalise on this trend, it’s vital to understand your target market, prepare your properties effectively, set competitive prices, and implement robust marketing strategies.

However, success in the tourism industry is not just about attracting tourists. It’s also about offering an outstanding guest experience that makes them want to return. This involves providing high-quality accommodation, maintaining excellent customer service, and showing a commitment to sustainable practices.

Moreover, never underestimate the power of the local community. Building strong relationships with local businesses and organisations can amplify your marketing efforts and enhance your property’s appeal.

With careful planning and execution, coastal properties can become profitable tourist hotspots, contributing significantly to the UK’s burgeoning domestic tourism sector. Embrace the potential, and prepare to welcome the wave of domestic tourists eager to explore the beautiful coastal areas of the UK.